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Brown suit for spring - Wednesday inspiration

Brown suit is fresh way to bring variation to your wardrobe. The old rule "no brown in town" has been long time ago been wadded up and tossed out the office window. For a late Wednesday inspiration a quick look how to pull off brown in the office. Brown suit with burgundy shoes

Brown suit for business

Brown suit is nowadays as appropriate choice for office environment than any shade of blue or grey. Avoid it only if you are working in the finance industry in London or some other place where more formal and strict dress codes are still in place. Brown is appropriate around the year. Brown linen or cotton for example is a perfect choice for warm summer days. On the other hand brown double-breasted flannel suit takes you through cold winter season. And if you want something that can be worn during all four seasons, go for light weight wool fabrics. Brown suit as well as brown ties is easy to combine with multiple different colors and shades. If you choose to go for a brown suit I would recommend to play with shades of brown in terms of other parts as well. Of course dark blue tie or a light blue shirt works perfectly fine. But when it comes to shoes and bag for example, I'd keep them brown as well. And as brown is more casual color than gray or blue, you can also keep the textures casual. Try for example to pair your wool suit with a shantung silk tie. If you look closely, you can see that in addition to brown suit the collage features multiple other "not so formal" elements as well such as button-down collar shirt and and brown semi-brogue shoes. Still what you have is a 5/5 office ensemble.

Inspired by the brown suit

Brown is as said easy color to play with. During fall and winter season I personally recommend to combine it with accessories featuring purple, orange or other rustic shades. In summer time I would trust to different shades of blue. Dark brown suit, light blue button-up shirt and rustic orange tie is pretty much perfect performance in terms color coordination. If you don't believe, check the picture of Mr. Yukio Akamine below. Finally a few shots to see how to play with brown suit.   Double-breasted dark brown cotton suitBrown suit with light blue shirt and blue tie Brown double breasted chalk striped suit Brown 3-piece suit with blue tie

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