It's been quite a busy week so updates here at the blog have been a bit on hold. However, if you haven't yet read the second part of DLA - building up wardrobe-series, there's something to check out for the weekend.
And as we have already gone a long way in May it's good time for monthly review of shots featured at instagram, including some wiwt-lookdowns as well as a few others shots from last month.
Even though I don't update the feed on a daily basis, I've noticed being a much more active there recently also. So here some sneak peeks of what I've been wearing this month as well as some other things related to my personal life.
For more wiwt- and other pics - check and follow @dresslikea€‹

First some shades of blue. A couple of weeks ago I got quite stunning summer suit from The GIGI as well a polka dot patterned shirt that's shown here together with a sport coat by Lardini and knitted tie from Berg&Berg

As usual some basic look-downs featuring office-outfits for both more casual and dressed-up days. Really happy that it's again possible to wear loafers and some lighter sneakers - sockless of course.

Alfred Sargent mto-single monkstraps together with mtm-suit trousers by Herrainpukimo.

Shoe-circle - one pair for office, one pair for running and one pair for a casual after work in the city. Leave it up to you to choose which one goes for which purpose.

I celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago and at the same day we celebrated our first anniversary with my beauty - so champagne of course. Also got that "working lamp" that fits perfectly our apartment as a gift from here.

Another gift for my birthday - another lamp. And this is how it looks in our bedroom.
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