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How to combine suits and sport coats - play with textures and patterns

How to combine suits and sport coats with shirts and different kind of accessories? And how to make it looks good? How to combine different textures and materials? These are questions I know many guys are struggling with as they try to deal with their daily outfits. These are also subjects I have written multiple times earlier. One way is to "study" basic rules about colors and playing with textures. Another is to just try and learn. And one way is to go for example through different look books to find inspiring combinations. And then apply them. This also helps in those cases where you see a nice suit or a jacket but can't be sure how you could pull that off yourself. Brown suit with a roll neck sweaterHow to combine suits and sport coats - royal blue windowpane suit with roll neck sweaterHow to combine suits and sport coats - dark blue windowpane suit with brown roll neck sweaterHow to combine suits and sport coats - dark blue chalk striped suitHow to combine suits and sport coats - Gray checked suit with gray tieHow to combine suits and sport coats - double-breasted gray flannel suitHow to combine suits and sport coats - windowpane sport coat with light blue popoverHow to combine suits and sport coats - Navy blue wool blazer with cotton slacksHow to combine suits and sport coats - navy blue blazer with gray flannel trousersHow to combine suits and sport coats - blue blazer with white trousersHow to combine suits and sport coats - burgundy sport coat with white shirtHow to combine suits and sport coats - windowpane pattern sport coat with white shirt Windowpane pattern is a good option if you want to keep your outfit restrained and balanced but still bring in some twist. Original post 2015 - Updated 2016.

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