Scandinavian simplicity combined with Italian Craftsmanship.

Pitti Uomo 91 - DLA report from Florence

It's again that time of the year. Time to pack the bags and head to Florence for Pitti Uomo. This time for Pitti Uomo 91. The fair will show the upcoming collections for fall and winter 2017. But it will naturally feature much more. People, streetstyle, good food, drinks, beautiful streets of  Florence and passion. Through this post you can follow our coverage from Pitti Uomo 91 and Florence. I will try to keep you updated with some sneak peeks, streetstyle shots and collection previews. You will find the links to other articles in the end of this post.   Pitti Uomo 91 preview - Second day of Pitti Uomo 89 with windowpane suit by Vaatturiliike SaumaHow to tie your tie - Florence edition Also I suggest that you take a look at our "How to tie your tie - Florence edition" post and video we made last January. The post is all about ties different people wore in Florence and combinations that showcase how to make different kind of ties to work. You can definitely learn a lot by taking the lesson.

Follow our journey - DLA at Pitti Uomo 91

This time the DLA crew traveling to Pitti Uomo 91 consists me and Mika. So for us the week is about work as much as it is about pleasure. We have some good stuff coming up for this year and in Florence we will meet our suppliers as well as do some research for the upcoming products. Of course we will try to get as much photo and video coverage as possible to share with you. I will try to come up with updates from the fair. I will do it here on the blog as well here as on other channels such as instagram €“ @dresslikea and hopefully also facebook. This time I will try to come up with some more live and up to date posts on instagram via the stories function. So be sure to keep an eye on that. In addition I definitely recommend to follow my better half @mhsandberg €“ especially in case you want to get a €œwomen perspective€ from the fair. She's gonna be in Florence from Wednesday onwards. And be sure also to follow Mika @ohituskaistalla on instagram and also on snapchat. He had a great daily reporting from our journey last January and I belive he will continue that on snapchat this time as well.

Read more:

The week went by so fast that I had no time to update this post during the week. Coverage from the week coming up as I get back home to Helsinki. Here I will gather all the post about our trip to Florence for Pitti Uomo 91 and I will keep the list updated. Pitti Uomo 91 DLA look book - preview Pitti Uomo 91 - Best street style Pitti Uomo 91 preview - what I wore for the third day of Pitti Uomo 89  

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