Shawl collar overcoats are not common. Dark red overcoats for men are not common. And it could be said that casentino wool overcoats are not really that common either. But what happens if you combine all these three elements?
It was at Pitti Uomo in January 2014 where I for the first time saw this particular overcoat by
The GIGI. In January 2015 I came across it again at Bryan & Barry in Milan. But at that time I thought I could not really buy dark red casentino overcoat featuring a shawl collar. But after I got home from that trip I already regret that decision a bit. I knew that overcoat was a bit "too much" but still I felt I should have pulled the trigger. This January I visited again at Bryan & Barry during our stay in Milan. And when I saw the jacket still at their selection I decided to go for it.

Wearing dark blue cashmere scarf and dark gray cashmere tie to balance the bright red overcoat.
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