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DLA gift guide part III - a (style) book

Is there a more traditional Christmas gift than a book - I guess not. Even though you can find most of the stuff you need to find from the web nowadays, there’s still a place for good old printed books. If nothing else, they can make a really nice play as a decorative element or as an icebreaker whenever you have visitors at your house.

On the other hand many people don’t often buy books (as said above, you can find the info from web) for themselves, which makes it still a good choice when thinking about Christmas (or any other) gifts.







As usual - few options to help you decide what to buy? Even if it’s not about buying something for someone else, these are books that I think everyone should have in their bookcase.


½ best introductory books on the subject of classic menswear - Gentleman: A Timeless Guide to Fashion by Bernhard Roetzel.

image2/2 best introductory books on the subject of classic menswear - Dressing the Man, Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion by Alan Flusser. Suits, ties, and all the things that surround that world.


The Handbook of Style by Esquire - Practical and "modern" guide of dressing well if you're not the type that wears blazers, sport coats and suits often.


The Monocle Guide to Better Living - Monocle's first ever book and “the quality of life”. For those looking their inner “monocle man”.



The Sartorialist / The Sartorialist - Closer by Scott Schumann. One the most comprehensive sources of streestyle photos and inspiration.


Take Ivy - photo-essay on college style in the 60’s - focuses on college-aged men and their clothes, capturing the unique fashion of the student population of that time.

Read the earlier parts of the gift guide:

Part I: Skincare and grooming products

Part II: Wrist accessories

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