As this week's Sunday inspiration a quick Q&A featuring questions I've lately got via messages and email. Sorry that some answers are a bit delayed but I guess better late than never.
Q: Hi, really love your blog! Can you tell me some of your favorite online shops or shops that you check frequently? I'm looking for in particular for shops, with a large selection of Lardini jackets. Thanks!
You can find most of my favorite shops - some of those selling Larding as well - from this post.
In addition I would suggest to check out the shops mentioned here - I just added a few names on the list featured on the post.
Hope you find what you are looking for!

Q: I have long admired the checked suit featured in your latest post. Would you share details about the fabric? I would like to try to track it down (if indeed that is still possible). Thanks!
Cheers mate! The fabric of the suit featured in this post is made by Fratelli Tallia di Delfino. Also now mentioned in the post, thanks for notice.

Q: I like how you tie your ties. Tell me how you do this and what is the knot.
I usually prefer the double four-in-hand or normal FiH. Every now and then, especially with knitted ties I use half-windsor. More details you can find from this DLA - How to tie your tie post.

Q: Hello, first of all, your blog is really great! You really doing a great work. This may not fits quite to the topic but I'm looking for a bag for the university / work. Unfortunately I have not so much money, because I'm still student ;) Therefore, the bag should not be all too expensive.
I have taken a closer look at this bag from Linjer: What do you think of this?
I would be very grateful if you could suggest me still more bags in the direction. This should not be too expensive.
Thank you and greetings from Germany
Thanks a lot for your kind words!
I do not have personal experience of that briefcase by Linjer but so far as I can tell it looks good. I dare to say It is formal enough to be worn in any office but at the same time not too classic so it you can keep it with you even when wearing jeans and a sport coat for example. Also what I've heard is that Linjer makes good products with a reasonable price tag. So if that is what you've had in mind, I pull the trigger.
However, in terms of other options here are a few I would take a look at - that are pretty much representing the same price range than that one by Linjer.
Oppermann London - Vallance - just notice that this one does not come with a shoulder strap.
Mismo - MS briecase - In case a bit more casual choice is an option
Scarosso - A unisex bag that goes well for both men and women
Also in case you haven't yet read my post from a couple year back regarding briefcases - you can find it from here.

Q: Hey I was wondering how much you make to be able to dress so nicely all the time...
Let's just say that my earnings are alright - so that I can pay the bills and something is left for other purposes such as buying new clothes or going out for a dinner every now and then.
In terms of new acquisitions I'm in that fortunate position that sometimes I get the chance to co-operate with brands or shops - so the fact is I don't always have to pay the retail price for all the products I wear.
And just to be clear, whenever this happens - I get something for free for example, I try to make it loud and clear when writing about the product. I also never collaborate with brands I personally do not value and I'm covering only products I'd be ready to pay the normal price.
Q: Moro, kivoja mtop- ja details-kuvia, mutta olisi kiva nähdä kokovartalokuviakin seteistä välillä. Kuvaa vaikka teidän eteisessä tai duunissa. -KK
Kiitos. Toivottavasti viimeaikainen meno on miellyttänyt enemmän, nyt on pyritty ottamaan kuvia, joissa näkyisi muutakin kuin vain detaljeja. Kotona on hieman vähän tilaa kuvata kunnolla ja duunissakaan se ei ihan niin vaan onnistu, mutta onneksi nyt alkaa olla jo sen verran valoisaa, että ulkokuvaukset onnistuvat suht hyvin. Pyritään jatkamaan tällä linjalla, alkavalla viikolla ainakin pari outfit-postausta tulossa.
And again thanks for all the kind words and feedback!
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