After a couple of weeks break it’s a good time for a short Q&A round-up before the weekend.
Q: Hi mate! I’m a fan your lifestyle and your fancy blog and insta. I'm planning to come to Helsinki with my girlfriend, can you please give us some advices about bars and cafes? Where you recommend to have breakfast? Maybe some fancy place for lunch? I think only with the advice from insiders you can get the thrill of the city. Thanks a lot!
A: Hey mate, hopefully these tips are not too late. In case you need some advice and places in terms of shopping, check the post here.
In terms of bars and cafes I’ve listed some places that might be worth to visit and where I would take guys if they were visiting Helsinki. The list reflects my own taste and personal preference and is of course purely subjective.
In search for cocktails:
Breakfast (week days):
Brunch (weekends):
La Torrefazione (they also have a nice lunch during week days)
Lunch (week days):
Roslund (in case you like burgers)
Hope you have good time in Helsinki!
Q: Hey Atte! Which tie knot do you usually use? Does it change with the kind of tie you’re wearing? Very nice blog btw!
A: Hey, usually I go with FiH or Double FiH. With knitted ties I tend to play with half-windsor. For more about tying my ties (and about tying ties in general) check out the post from last week.

Q: Hey man, what are your thoughts on wool pants or flannels without belt loops and instead equipped with side adjusters concerning versatility? Suitsupply for example has some in their FW collection that seem very nice. Also, do you have any experience with Magnanni shoes? BTW - awesome blog!
A:First of all, I have no personal experience of Magnanni shoes. Based on what I’ve heard they are not top of the line but still decent quality and especially if you can find them from sales (with a discount) they can be good value for money. From what I’ve seen they have some very nice models and lasts on their range, which most of is made with Bologna / Blake-construction.
Regarding your first question, I’m personally a big fan of trousers with side adjusters (instead of belt loops). With most of my more formal trousers (suits, flannel, wool or cotton slacks) I rather use braces than belt so the belt loops are just useless for me. In addition, in my opinion braces give a much more elegant and sophisticated overall look whereas belt aesthetically disconnects the body in half. Especially if you prefer high waisted trousers I recommend side adjusters instead of belt loops.
For the last two mtm-suits (trousers) I’ve chosen side adjusters (and no belt loops).
For the last two mtm-suits (trousers) I’ve chosen side adjusters (and no belt loops).

Q: Is it okay to wear a black belt with navy blue slacks? Do the shoes have to match the belt?
A: I think it’s definitely okay to wear a black belt with navy blue slacks. Though in that case I’d choose black shoes as well. In general it could be said that the color of your belt should roughly match the color of your shoes. They don't need to be a perfect match (some even argue that a perfect match tries too hard), but they shouldn't look dramatically different.
But when using black - in shoes or in the belt - I’d also wear black for the other.
Q: Hey mate, Going to Singapore trip soon. Is there any nice menswear shop in Singapore? Thanks:)
A: Unfortunately I’ve never been to Singapore so can’t say much about the stores there. However found this listing from last May which could be helpful.
If you are looking for shoes, check out ed et al-shoemakers.
Q: Mikset ota kokovartalokuvia ainaisten detail-kuvien sijaan?
A: Pyrin toki ottamaan kokovartalokuvia niin paljon kuin mahdollista. Valitettavasti (erityisesti tähän vuodenaikaan) mahdollisuudet kuvien ottamiseen ulkona (jonka kokovartalokuvien ottaminen omasta mielestäni vaatii tai vaihtoehtoisesti paljon tilaa sisällä) ovat rajalliset. Sisällä asunnossamme tila ja valo eivät nekään enää näin syksyllä ja iltaisin riitä kunnollisten kokovartalokuvien ottamiseen. Ja erityisesti silloin jos kuvaa yksin, rajoittuu vaihtoehdot vielä enemmän.
Mutta koska haluan kuitenkin pyrkiä säännöllisesti jakamaan edes “jotain” siitä, mitä itselleni on päällä, on “details”-kuvat ratkaisu tähän. Lisäksi pidän itse yksityiskohdista, tekstuureista ja pienistä detaljeista. Siksi ehkä myös usein päädyn niitä omista asuista kuvaamaan.
Jos vain aika ja sää antaa myöden, tarkoitus on jälleen tulevana viikonloppuna pyrkiä kuvaamaan ulkona ja siten, että kuviin tarttuu myös muuta kuin vain yksityiskohtia.

Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
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