Scandinavian simplicity combined with Italian Craftsmanship.

Blog — tyylitfi RSS

CUVÉE CLUB - champagne tasting

Usually I try and keep this blog pretty much clothing related but this time I’m making a little exception as couple of weeks ago I got a chance to take part at very nice champagne-tasting hosted by Cuvée club, a company founded by a young Finnish couple who decided to follow their passion and moved to Champagne, Reims in 2013. Check my short notes and more pics Well, who wouldn’t like good company and (free) champagne…

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#tyylit-inspiration for summer season

Every Sunday we try to do an inspirational round-up via - based on the pics that I’ve come across during the week or by digging some nice stuff from the archives. This time I decided to pick few things from there to highlight things I find inspirational at the moment. Lightweight sport coat… Wrote a while ago about sport coats for the spring and summer (find it from here). I’m really a fond of double-breasted jackets and this one by G.Abo Napoli (available via Spiga3, which just also started their summer sale today) is one of the nicest I’ve seen for this season. Light colored, soft shapes and featuring bold but still low-key windowpane pattern. White shirts… White shirt is...

Continue reading - finally up and running

The update rate of the blog has recently been pretty slow. And there’s a reason for that. As many people know I’ve been working with a project called for quite a while now. First we launched a forum in the beginning of 2013 and since that we’ve also been working with the idea of a new site that would fill the empty space we think there has been in the #menswear-scene in Finland. And finally last Friday we got it launched. There’s still a lot of work to do when it comes to the layout and little details but still I couldn’t be happier with the result we’ve so far come up with. However it has taken a big...

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