Casual wear for traveling
As mentioned earlier, nowadays - when it's not for work - I try to travel as casual and comfy as possible. While we traveling in Italy - for most of transitions from one place to another I chose to wear my shorts and jacket by The GIGI (read more here) but as the weather forecast seemed that it would be rather cold in Finland I decided to go for jeans instead of shorts.
In terms of shoes - most often I choose to go for sneakers. This is not just an issue about comfort but also a matter of protecting my better shoes. When you are walking (and some times running) with all bags, traveling by train or plane there are millions of places one can hit and scratch one's shoes. And if it starts raining - like happened on the day we arrived to Florence - one can in the worst case ruin the shoes. In addition canvas sneakers are easy to just throw into the washing machice in case they get dirty. On the other hand this means that you have to carry the dress shoes - that are heavier than the sneakers - in you bag. The camouflage-patterned field jacket by Beams+ (which I bought from Florence last year) is pretty much perfect for traveling. It is lightweight, it is casual and cosy, it is easy to throw into your bag in case you don't need to wear it and it features multiple pockets to put in all the little stuff - such as coins, passport and phone - while traveling. And in addition to all this it looks very nice and is easy to combine.
There might be people who think that denim is too way too warm and uncomfortable for traveling but I tend to disagree. Although it is true that when the temperature is around 30 ºC denim can be a bit sweaty, but I think there ain't no many cloths that wouldn't be. Denim is also easy to take care of, easy to wash and as long as you stay far away from those raw selvage-denim pieces, it's also quite convenient.
Finally a fine and fitted cotton t-shirt in dark blue to balance the outfit and keeping the color scheme restrained - as usual.

Field Jacket: Beams+ T-shirt: Girelli Bruni Jeans: Weekday
Sneakers: Superga Bracelets: Viola Milano & D.C.I Sweden
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