Scandinavian simplicity combined with Italian Craftsmanship.

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Pitti Uomo 86 - sneak peek preview part III

Before starting full reviews later this week, here’s third sneak peek glimpse to what was seen last week in Florence… Tagliatore As usual Taglitore came out with bold patterns and this time with high use of red color as inspired by the local red wines of Puglia. That camouflage patterned double-breasted jacket in the second picture was a nice one, not sure if I could ever pull it off though. Also nice interpretations of jersey-fabrics… Drake’s of London I always tend to end up my week by visiting Drake’s London as the collection of theirs is always impeccable. Inspiring and engrossing prints but naturally a lot of classics such as shantung and raw silk pieces. Eton of Sweden Eton brought...

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Pitti Uomo 86 - time to go again

Time again to pack the bags, take the plane and hit Florence for Pitti Uomo. This time it will be the fair number 86. Although the weather reports are not very promising and it’s likely to be raining at least for the first days, I’m looking forward to see what the week will bring. Just to name a few, the premier of Lardini x Nick Wooster collection, Tombolini celebrating their 50th anniversary and The GIGI presenting their first ever summer collection are all occasions definitely worth keeping an eye on. And that’s what I will be doing. I will try to come up with quick updates here - if not daily, at least couple of times during the week. Also...

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