Bulevardilta, numeron 13 kohdalta löytyy Vaatturiliike Sauma, joka tarjoaa hyvin pitkälle kaiken, mitä hyvästä, edustavasta ja tyylikkäästä pukeutumisesta kiinnostunut mies saattaa kaivata. Vuonna 2004 oppi-isänsä Jouni Korhosen vaatturiliikkeen hoivaansa ottaneiden ja sitä Sauman nimellä jatkaneiden Olli Holstikon ja Tuomo Pynttärin mukaan Sauma on perinteinen vaatturiliike, joka nykyään on laajentanut valikoimaansa myös mittapukujen sekä valmisvaatteiden puolelle. Keväällä 2011 alun perin osoitteessa Arkadiankatu 15 toiminut liike laajentui myös Bulevardille. Kaksikon mukaan Sauman tavoitteena on, että asiakkaat saavat pukeutua omien tarpeidensa sekä toiveidensa mukaisiin, hyvin istuviin ja viimeistä saumaa myöten yksityiskohdiltaan mietittyihin tuotteisiin. Miesten oma tyyli noudattelee enemmän italialaista kuin perusbrittiläistä linjaa, vaikka kumpikaan ei tunnustaudu minkään tietyn stereotyyppisen koulukunnan "sääntöjen" noudattajaksi. Sauman valmisvaatevalikoima on kattava ja Suomen oloissa ainutlaatuinen. Liike on panostanut...
Here comes my TOP10 essentials for what you will need (and want) at your wardrobe this spring and summer.
1. Navy (or blogger) blue lightweight wool sport coat - single or double-breasted
(Gajola Rubino)
(Sartoria Partenopea)
2.Light coloured cotton / linen blazer
3. White & Light blue spread collar shirt
4. “Daddy Jeans”
(Brunello Cucinelli)
5. White cotton pants
6. Lighweight safari jacket
(Brunello Cucinelli)
7. White “crispy” v-neck t-shirt
(Orlebar Brown)
8. Suede doublemonks (or suede tassel loafers)
9. Classic sneakers or driving shoes
(Common Projects)
10. Handful of accessories
(Drake’s London, Brunello Cucinelli, Waterfront)
What are your essentials?
Hey A, Not sure what kind of stuff you’re looking for but here’s something. For “classic menswear” 1) Fere located on boulevard (3). You can read something more from this post. - Fere has brands like Hackett, Turnbull&Asser, Brioni, Aquasqutum and Isaia. They also have some Taylor of Old bond street skincare and shaving products and shoes from Crockett & Jones and Allen Edmonds. 2) Vaatturiliike Sauma located on boulevard (13) . - If you have time to go only one place, go here. They have really great stuff from brands like John Smedley, Mabro, Sartoria Rossi and Montedoro. They also have nice collection of their “own” ties and pocket squares. They also have another shop at Arkadiankatu but that concentrates more...
How Alfred Sargent shoes are made. Great story by A Fine Pair of Shoes.
Alfred Sargents' factory opened in 1899 and today still remains a family business in it’s fourth generation. Through 8-12 weeks and 8 stages of production, each pair of Goodyear Welted, hand crafted shoes undergoes over 200 individual operations.
1. Pattern Cutting
2. Clicking
3. Closing
4. Preparation
5. Lasting
6. Making
7. Finishing
8. Shoeroom
Visited earlier on the week at the Drake’s store at Clifford street (London) and once again it got me amazed… Went to see if they still would have had some of those unicorn pocket squares I missed at their websites winter sale. Had no luck… :) New S/S scarves and pocket squares looked awesome as well as all of the ties. My personal favorite was absolutely the flamingo print cotton and silk pocket square. Also got to take a closer look at the new sport jackets (read more about from here) and those looked and felt great in nature. I tried on the blue double-breasted one on size 38, which was pretty good even though it was a bit too long...