Scandinavian simplicity combined with Italian Craftsmanship.

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DressLikeA - Last minute Christmas gift list

Haven’t found a gift yet? A while ago I got an email asking for christmas present tips. So here you go. No matter whether you’re looking something for a boyfriend, husband, father, son or just for yourself, here’s some last minute ideas. Most of the listed items can be found from stores based in Helsinki but there are also some webstore choices included. And of course these are just ideas that you can easily modify for your own purposes. 1) Soft packages… Considering the weather in Finland, wool beanies, scarves, gloves or for example cashmere socks are always a safe choice. When buying a gift for some else it’s better to keep it simple and understated than trying to “cheer...

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D.C.I Sweden - handmade bracelets from the North

“It shall stand the wear of the eye” Couple of weeks ago I was surprised to be approached by Daniel Ingdahl, the man behind D.C.I Sweden, a Swedish company producing high-quality accessories for men. They wanted to know if I was interested to give one of their bracelets a try. As I had been seeing pictures of them (have actually posted some pics of them myself as well) and as I had been willing to see how they would be in person for a time now, it was easy for me to say yes. D.C.I has been running for several years (designing kitchens, producing bicycles etc), but began creating hand-made bracelets and other accessories for men a couple of years ago. At...

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Larsson&Jennings Resurgence Gold & White Watch

For a while I had been looking for a new watch. And I gotta honestly say that even though I’ve tried to go through some watch-forums and look through different possibilities, mainly only thing I still know and care when talking about watches is how they look. Then while my visit in London a couple of weeks ago I got a more than pleasant surprise when I met Harry and Nick, the awesome guys running Opumo, as they gave me a piece from Larsson & Jennings they’ve just got into their selection.   Larsson&Jennings, founded 2012 is a Anglo-Swedish brand who by their own words are creating luxury watches by fusing Swedish minimalistic design and British heritage. Basically L&J offers two lines of...

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DressLikeA - visit to Drake's London

Style, comfort and quality Drake’s opened it’s store @ No.3 Clifford Street in May 2011. Since then it has been one of the places I always go while visiting London. Watching these pieces in pictures is really nothing compared to the feeling you get when handling and trying them on in person and getting a sense of the quality of the workmanship and materials used in them. The store that’s situated in the heart of Mayfair, between Savile Row and Bond Street is itself worth to visit. Before Drake’s opened it’s doors, the building used to be the home of a prestigious art and antiques Gallery, known for its Art Nouveau and Art Deco drawings, paintings, and posters. And as said...

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